Following his arrest and detainment on Tuesday by Bahamian authorities, extinct FTX chief Sam Bankman-Fried has been denied bail and ordered to live in a Bahamas prison, Fox Hill Detention heart, except February 8 subsequent yr.

Bankman-Fried’s legal counsel had requested a $250,000 bail and steered the extinct alternate CEO would possibly well well wear an ankle-track to silent concerns he would try to fly the country, in accordance to Cheyenne Ligon, a CoinDesk journalist who used to be most modern at the hearing.

Settle JoyAnn Ferguson-Pratt sooner or later determined to disclaim the question of on the grounds that Bankman-Fried posed a flight be troubled. The prosecuting attorney had beforehand argued that detainment used to be a precondition of Bankman-Fried’s likely extradition to the US, the set he is being sued by a pair of regulators and the Southern District Court of New York.

Bankman-Fried’s hearing had been adjourned except 2:15 p.m GMT while the courtroom obvious whether or not it had jurisdiction over bail, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

CoinDesk reporter Ligon moreover necessary that Bankman-Fried regarded visibly jittery as the hearing started, easiest rising calmer after he used to be allowed to immediate move the room in repeat to rob his treatment. Bankman-Fried is claimed to were an lively person of Emsam patches, an antidepressant that one FTX worker described as “a dressmaker stimulant” that gave the extinct FTX chief “ a relentless buzz the total time.”

To that pause, Bankman-Fried’s lawyers tried to make a case for his bail by arguing that he suffered from miserable and insomnia. They moreover argued that he had every opportunity to streak after FTX’s financial troubles had been made public but had chosen not to manufacture so.

“I don’t think I could be arrested,” Bankman-Fried had said in a Twitter house hosted by Unparalleled Whales comfy just a few hours ahead of he used to be taken into custody on Monday.

The FTX founder goes thru a welter of expenses including wire fraud and conspiracy to commit securities fraud from U.S. federal prosecutors. Bankman-Fried plans to fight an extradition repeat from the U.S., his attorney Jerome Roberts said all the contrivance in which thru the hearing.